Program outline
1st Semester – compulsory courses
Cognitive Ergonomics
Introduction to cognitive ergonomics
Research methods
An introduction to research methods in human-computer interaction
1st Semester – electives
Articifial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Collaboration Technologies
Introduction to collaborative technologies
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Introduction to Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Design of Location-based applications
Design and create location based apps.
Front End Web Programming
Front end development tools
Interactive Technologies
The course main objective is to introduce the student to interactive technologies and the design of interactive systems.
Introduction to Human- Robot Interaction
Εισαγωγή στη ρομποτική και στους κλάδους της επιστήμης που την επηρεάζουν
2nd Semester – compulsory courses
Design and Evaluation of Interactive Systems
Design and Evaluation of Interactive Systems
2nd Semester – electives
Creative Design Lab
During this course, students will practice on ideation (hands on during the lab) with several creative techniques
Software Quality
Software Quality
Ubiquitous Computing
Ubiquitous Computing